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Michael Erle Harper Enterprises Consolidated Home and Garden

J               460 Pages

23 Cover PAGES x 20





                      TABLE OF CONTENTS




                               PAGE 1

HEARTLAND           8085 Century Boulevard, Chaska, MN 53315-3056


G. Park West Covina, California bkk landfill in West Covina  pg. 53


Harshad Gajjar bkk landfill in West Covina                              pg. 55


a lilttle luck and the right equipment                                        pg. 56


new uses for the refuse of an industrial society                      pg. 56


                             daniel j. dude                                                  pg. 56


                              john d. dingell                                                pg. 56


                              numerical ceiling                                            pg. 56


                              primary digestion                                           pg. 57



                            organic matter                                                  pg. 59


                              casarean delivery                                            pg. 62


                        the general theory of second best                       pg. 75


                       the broad availability of health insurance            pg. 75


                              neoclassical economics                                   pg. 75


                            max weber / followed letter by


                                           Joeseph Schumpeter


                                                Socioeconomic                               pg. 76


the solution to the drug problem lies with the individual            pg. 80






"and tyranny and oppressions of mind and body will


vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day"  (liability)


drugs smuggled to the U.S. make it safely across our borders pg. 80




that is the law and where does it stand...(process/manufacture

sell                                                                                                    pg. 80


major drugs...their uses and effects data produced

by joel fort                                                                                       pg. 80


                  the facts and determinations presented here are

               based on expert observation of ral-life

                                 human beings in nonlabortory settings      pg. 83


            John alexander's the warrior's edge, mkchel d.


                           kathman, St. John unv., collegeville, minn       pg. 84


                                            plastics, recreational fishing              pg. 85


President Reagan outlaws plastic dumping within two

hundred miles of U.S. Coast line enforced by U.S.

Coast Guard                                                                                    pg. 86


                               waste reduction


high level radioactive waste repository                                       pg.  87


                Chairman edwiln l. artzt                                                pg. 87


                                    bruce r. fulford                                           pg. 88


                                         john f. ruston                                        pg.  90



              three mile Island / Walter Conrkite                               pg.   90


                                    doe department of energy                        pg.   90


                  Japanese is contributing eighteen million dollars

                        in exchange for technical information

                            gathered during clean up                                 pg.   93


work orders of Michael Erle Harper Enterprises

                                    Consolidated                                             pg,   97


                        Statistical Analysis for 1992 and 1993               pg. 150


Weekly Analysis for year 1992                                                     pg. 150




Analysis for yer 1992                                                                    pg. 151


Semi Annual analysis for year 1992                                           pg. 152


credit cred rejection questionaire                                                 pg. 153


Time card worksheet for week for week of

                  January 7, 1993                                                         pg. 155


Time card worksheet for the week of

                   May 19, 1993                                                             pg. 156


Time card worksheet for the week of

                   May 5, 1993                                                               pg. 158


Time card worksheet for the week of

                  September 9, 1993                                                   pg. 162


Time card worksheet for the week of

                  October 1, 1993                                                          pg. 164


         Time card worksheet for the

         Annual report for 1993                                                     pg. 166


         Time card worksheet for

second quarter / Quarterly report                                          pg. 169


church organization and

resource agencies that assisted

in creating this business                                                            pg. 170


residences as listed

in chronological order during

the creation of this business                                                    pg. 1`72


items for living space /

necessities for basic needs

and Audio Visual

System creaed to the present                                                   pg. 173


Tools for Mehec listed in

order and as stored                                                                   pg. 174


Copy of the State of Alaska

Department of Public Safety

Report of Stolen / damaged propety by Private


                              Case number 97-95219                           pg. 179


Affidavit of Forgery

State of Alaska

Third Judicial District                                                              pg. 181


Continuing Statement

of Case number 97-95219                                                     pg. 182


Affidavit of Forgery

State of Alaska

Third Judicial District                                                              pg. 185




for MICHAEL eRLE hARPER                                                  pg. 186


County of Merced

Merced, California

Certificate of Live Birth

for Michael Erle Harper                                                           pg. 187


Inteior Bowlers Prepare

Staff Reports

Second Paragraph

Michael Erle Harper's 802                                                     pg. 188


Residential Report

during the rprocess of creating

Mehec Michael Erle Harper Enterprises

                       Consolidated                                                    pg. 189


Properties / other Residences Belen, New Mexico

                                Restates Established

San Felipe, Mexico - El Dorado Estates

San Felipe, Mexico - El Dorado Estates                                pg. 190


Notorized aggreement for 

Equipment and Michael Erle Haerper Enterprises 

Consolidatd Property Monitoring and

use for field tent and work                                                      pg. 191


S-10 Truck repiar parts list

and repair for 1984 Chevrolet                                                pg. 195


Weekly Analysis for the yer 1993                                            pg. 199

Weekly Anlysis for the year 1993

Quarterly Analysis for

           Quarter 1 and 2                                                              pg. 202


Quarterly Analysis for

Quarter 3 and 4                                                                        pg. 203


Semi-Annual Analysis

                         for the year 1993                                              pg. 204


You Probabaly know more about5

me than my sneaskest neighbor                                               pg. 205


Stephen Topping Associate Amerian


                               Sterling Publishing of the


                                        The description of the

                                      THe World's Greatest Slam Dunk      pg. 219


The Business Comitment

Michael erle harper Enterprises Consolidated                       pg. 226


The Interview...

Michael Erle harper Enterprises Consolidated                       pg. 233


The Civvil Inquiry

Michael Erle harper Enterprises Consolidatd                         pg. 233


THe civil Inquiry

Michael Erle harper Enterprises Consolidated                       pg. 246


THe Resume...

Michael erle Harper Enterprises Consolidated                       pg. 253




Michael Erle harper Enterprises Consolidated                        pg. 260



Test Results

Michael Erle Harper Enterprises Consolidated                        pg. 266

We can Furnish

Your Business Continous 1982

It can Work

Michael Erl Harper Enterprises Consolidated                          pg. 267



Daily News Miner


DECEMBER 28, 1982

Michael Erle Harper Enterprises Consolidated

Student at...University of Alaska Fairbanks

Business Administration Major

Senior Status                                                                               pg. 269


New jobs easier said than done                                                

        Fairbanks Daily News Miner

                             on the inside

                    Piranha Repellent                                                    pg. 270




INFORMATION ABOUT MARRIAGE LICENSE, CEREMONY AND CDERTIFICATE                                                                              pg.  275


Relationship with father

paragraph two                                                                                pg. 281


Opportunity can mean success                                                    pg. 282


A short background descrip[tion about

                                     my Gandparents                                        pg. 287


April 5, 2063

Voyage of the Poenix

Captain's Log...FIRST CONTACT

ASTAR TREK                                                                                  pg.  288



3242 cdommonwealth Avenue

Charlotte, North Carolina



A Letyter for Amy.....                                                                     pg.. 289


We were indeed a Motley Crew

                            Pa45ragraph 2                                                    pg. 299


Legal Sample Questions

              Border Patrol

701 C Street, Anchorage, Alaskia

              Fedeal Buiding                                                                   pg. 305



 BASIC TERMS FOR PRODUCTY ANALYSIS                               pg. 309



          to the Dalvation Army                                                            pg. 313


Walking te distance

Door to Door inquiry of proposed

              product questionaire                                                         pg. 346



Dal Luthern College

60 Olson Rd.

Thosusand Oaks, California                                                            pg. 369

Lt. Welch

Department of PubliSafety

Subjet:  Finding a place to

                    oive                                                                                 pg. 373


It is my belieg that the

humility of the Court will ralilze

                            the truth...

Receive letter from the State of Alaska

                                Rental Assistance                                              pg. 380


Motor Vehicle

Status                                                                                                  pg. 382





























































 I'm one to not complain-I've been in the cold a lot and it never seems to bother me.  I've been under pressure and never seem to doubt it...I really need my job, but I must remember - my protocol...


I've grown much past my college years and says and it has been much to much...many days probably...when I work so much that I don't have time free any more and it has come to mind...I don't even have time for one who has questioned me about my work effect and to do this day...even when I ask how do you do...and all that...I never really answered the question...I always take it as a compliment.


Now I see the other side...I never took my father and my  mother for granted...but being around makes me see the same conflicts I grew up with...


I went to school almost ever day when I was growing up and when I didn't make class I had to write a note an put my mother's name on it...some times for the first period and AI would sit in the school library until second mother refused to give to what was making feel not making it on time.


Page 1...


Now I'm told I'm not so impatient and given a job that is interesting..instead of being Chicago.  And now I have the opportunity to work and be empathetic to everyone.


I grew in a household where one parent worked and is the primary wage earner.  As I was telling someone.


I'm ...there is six adults in my family...siblings...and two probably that didn't grew up in our household is due to corrections beyond my my parents household I don't call the shots...they do..I'm very be good about following and the law.


Growing up it's a few laws I failed to follow and one is the speed law...I just do a lot of speeding...I never get caught.  An officer from the California Highway  Patrol..came all the way to Alaska to talk to me about my speeding and I often thought about why I speed and when I'm going to stop speeding.  The law says for every action there is a opposite and equal reaction...when I speed I have to spend the same amount of time going slower than the speed limit.  My locker is even number 55..that reminds me I have to go 55 miles per hour.  I went to the clinic one day back in 2007 because of a bad pain  in my foot and (right foot) and the doctor said I have to go immediately to surgery because I had a abciss which is a infection on and internally in my foot and it didn't heal properly and became infected and I spent 13 weeks out of work because of this operation in my foot which is mainly my right foot.  I've pain...because it makes one tough...I probably ilke t it too much because I always get rewarded for enduring pain...probably I should be awarded for real pain.


And which is that is water under the bridge or wherever you choose to put it...especially if I don't do anything about it.  The fact of the matter I don't miss my parents and more legal power and influence when they are present.


Without any support it's a little more difficult work as much in a role that is fit or the secretary and traditionally work is less and has been less in the winter that in the summer has been more and more  demanding.


I know how competitive McDonald's is in the forefront because I've work there in 1984 in Lancaster, California and my parent s came to visit me at work and tried to get them to meet the manager, but they didn't and stayed in the parking lot in the car.  The manager name was Ian at the time and to me seemed to be hustling all the time...and I felt comfortable with him as he gave me reviews regularly and critiqued my work as on a regular basis...and I talked to Kay and I told her...I would like to continue McDonald's the time it was 1985 and Kay was a manager trainee and I am going back to Alaska and would like to continue working at McDonald's and it took fifteen years to  get my job back and in the mean time I started  Michael Erle Harper Enterprises "Consolidated and the first five years up until 1991 I had less than $5,000 dollars last year was my first year matching over $15,000 per year...and I'm suppose...a lot of things happened to make people forget where I was and what I accomplished...


In that light...I've grown up very well and was well with my peers and when I went into the military I was one of the best int he flight performance wise...I had hardly any demerits...I aced all my test in basic training and was the chow runner...responsible for reporting in and making arrangements for the entire flight for chow for every meal every day after the original chow runner Davenport exited the military and our flight which was honor flight 396 bmts 3704 basic military and our flight which has honor flight 396 bmts 3704 basic military school at Lackland Air Force force base.


Now it was me the youngest in the flight.  Being seventeen years of age and two months and one day and the oldest was Mr. Austin all of 27 years old and looked like to me he was on his last straw and seemed very appreciative of his opportunity to be in the United States Air Force.


Me being the worst shooter and I looked like to me he was on his last straw and seemed to appreciate of his opportunity to be in the United States Air Force..


Me, being the worst shooter and I looked at the target and being the length of a football field after 60 shots and attempts and three hits I got the impression I just have someone a heart attack as they know...I mean absolute not chance of survival as all three are totally gone...


The average seemed to be 12-14 hits and the best was Mr. Jefferies with 22 hits at a one hundred yards at M-16...


Since my dad or daddy..every wants to be a daddy..including me...was in the Army joining in 1940 and got married January 23, 1942...So I wouldn't know where the boys were at favorite b&w movie...full length at age 21.  He always was asking what's taking so long and where is my girl friend is...referring to me ...of course...


That's the not the first injury I've had ...I also was i also was injured at the fisheries in King Cove...I bet the company was disappointed I got hurt and I was sent to Anchorage and went to the emergency room and since I was at work and I broke my thumb when a 55 gallon drum came down on my thumb...and I just heard something go I'm always good for a gag of cheetos because all they do is crush...not so much because I'm watching the salt content in my diet.


I've always escaped in the nick of time..but this time I didn't.  It's good..I could have hurt my entire hand and as I often wonder what would happen if it all together and I go on thinking I got away with it.


I've listened to a lot of lectures...I've been to a lot of colleges...I've been in the military for 18 months ..mostly I've spent my own money going to these classes and lectures to an attempt to an attempt to be a better person.


I've learned to much more accurately and more

efficiently than my counter parts and a producec of more and better results...because of my schooling and my competitors..I

don't work when I want too...I work at every opportunity...sometimes around the clock.


In 1986  I went to the Fairbanks Memorial Hospital out patient care for a entire for entire year for vocational rehabilitation.


When I was in High School I noticed there are a few people that were one.  I got up today with the intention of going to work.  I'm in my fourth year of college I'm am progressing...I remember after my dad died the university was like my mom and she does a or did a lot of things well.  When she was growing up she washed all the clothes by hand, iron uniforms by hand and she is very good at it, sewing, and made her own clothes...and cooked and did well...I don't ever remember a time when there was not any food in the house and dinner was not ready by 5:00 pm or so and breakfast was always ready at 6:00 am...without exception every day five days  week.  And my clothes washed and neatly folded and on my bed every Monday afternoon after school.   While on the sewing machine..and at anything she would do just about anything I asked of I don't ask to much as I move d away from my household I find that's a rare accomplishment and that some thing only found in the most American traditional homes in the United States..since I spent tie with other families while working for the United States Census Bureau and born again in and went to "Church and through baptism (twice) another no matter where there is space and time I can be..(being a human being...that's going to work out very well)...I guess your family is your family and it's hard to externally to what that's like because that is a spiritual thing.














Michael Erle Harper of Michael Erle Harper Enterprises Consolidated was founded in 1992 by Michael Erle Harper.  What you are about to experience is  the total transformation from the ordinary to the extraordinary and may this journey be like not other and a total transformation from fantasy and imagery and imagination to reality and back before you leave this page and the Home and Garden Section site!  Let the journey begin...


Airport Fairbanks, Alaska...summer 2014.


I've turned up down and bend over backwards to be a business is everything to me.  I've been associated with McDonald's since 1972.  That's forty one years...during that time I've been a customer or a employee...In 1984 I would work at the Lancaster at McDonaId's for a year but I actually earned my air fare through a week work (73 hours) at the Lost Angeles County Fair at the Fairgrounds where Air Supply gave one of their final concerts...or about their last tour...some others that showed were Dolly Parton...and Johnny Cash...who now died and remember didn't expect me to show isn't that so I bet she didn't expect to show and I didn't expect see her any time soon in person or ever...a realization?...I didn't expert "Dolly Parton to show...that was appreciation enough for all the work I've done...the years of college classes and the bowling growing up and week at the college as a gate attendant and the audio visual and the at the camp which I did for free and the painting at 40 hours a week.  And growing up since at my house AI had fruit trees mainly apricots, nectarines, plums, and oranges and a granny apple tree that couldn't produce any more because it was not well...I would get a cot of the fruit.  And it you time that six years...I assume my attendance is second to none in the competitive sense as I never took, but six days vacation when I as in the military as my supervisor gave me two weeks off paid vacation I don't know how that is I just haven't plan that I guess I look forward to that and going home...Building a home or as I hope it is seven as I'm continuing to plan all the difficult things and skis it takes to build a home.


At one point and time it just didn't seem to I continued to live my life barely making it through and the more I made it this way the less it seemed to matter about where I was at and what was really important until 2007 when I had report to the district work  it was either to yucky no one really could under stand how I could be of assistance at work.


For Fifteen twenty years...without any understanding for me or what I want to made me much more disciplined on my own terms...progression without realization.  I try not be unfeeling r, .but it is difficult to tell someone how unpleasant priorities are in life when no really cares to listen.


Image that ..twenty five thousand children die every day because they don't get what they just chilling...the first thing I thought is how can you put children like that into the world...I now sound spiritual and seems like a act of cruelty...being sympathetic I realized people are trying to survive and my attempt to go on is success in they're eyes.


I wish people would look things differently and realize that people are just in a different place and order and initialize and there is just no such thing as less fortunate...we all can think if you choose to.  We can all follow the law if we choose to we can all can work if we choose to.  In business is  a thing called relevance, so one can be relevant and efficient.


As I remember when I was in kindergarten I wanted to tell my teacher that i was really into building blocks.  It as good because my parents got me Lego Building blocks of Christmas and a train set and a cap gun, and miniature major carrier trucks like  and Mayflower, which were 18 wheel trucks,...and play it was really thoughtful of them for them to buy me all those things for Christmas.


I have many accomplishments in the building area, the course I took was EPA approved and covered setting up the work painting, and relocation, for commercial and home projects.  As I am in the process of seeking a contractor's it a lengthy process and something that came to mind since I started school to begin with.


I'm now working on my report for Michael Erle Harper Enterprises Consolidated 2012 revised which I have to report this also to the district attorney...until it is understanding and is acknowledged under federal my firm will be recognized and develops properly and with proper guidance and the ensures the upmost quality projects.


For 14 years I've probably worked around the clock and have produce a lot of research that says that I have more than an excellent chance of excelling in all and every area I have pursued and if it is a  matter of properly accounting and managing the projects will obtaining the best information to manage each a and every project in time.


I don't know what the secret to my ingenuity...and if you look at philosophy you won't find any secrets, but I haven't aged as much as some of my counter parts or my peers.  I'm careful about my diet and exercise as I learned from participating in sports...Basketball, Bowling, and running, and seven years of weight training how to properly move and lift heavy objects.


I probably should be helping Dave right now, but sometimes I have to stand down or back off from work as some people think I work too much so I'm trying to temper it and be reasonable at the same time.  I've turned to economics as it may not provide  specific answers, but it will provide a work balance that will make all happy financially and in terms of meeting the expectations of others.


At McDonald's I know how competitive it is as and I also I probably exceed the demand of my expected performance and when I wasn't... I discussed this with social services.


I like this paper for reference to much time there is to read and understand.    And to think  this is what people want...getting ahead...most are caught in the amazing  office projects the firm challenges it's employees with...


Well there's plenty of information here with limited time to understand...thank you for your patience and understanding!





















































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